Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Crazy Life

I realized to day the only thing that has been keeping some what sane in these last few weeks of pregnancy is having a sense of humor.

Yesterday morning around 4 am Josh and I woke up to one of the last sounds any parent wants to hear. Piper had gotten sick and after 3bedding and pajama changes we decided that we better just sit up with her.
The poor little thing had no idea what was going on. I sat up and watched Bob Ross with her on PBS  and she kept turning around to smile at me. By noon she was right back to her normal self but Josh and I were exhausted. We took turns taking naps the rest of the day. Amazingly during the whole ordeal not one of us shed a tear, but there were a few giggles. 

This morning we had another good laugh. Josh has started giving Piper baths in the mornings. Today while filling up the tub Piper snuck in behind him and climbed into the tub in her pajamas. He had to call me down stairs to see what she had done.
Some days you just have to sit back and laugh because if you don't you'll just go crazy.

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