“You will hear thunder and remember me,
and think: she wanted storms...”
― Anna Akhmatova
“And, of course, there are the perfect day, perfect moment, perfect life dreams that come sometimes and make a person hit the snooze button for hours, trying to go back to sleep and make the perfect moments last.”
― Ally Carter
“Ninjas don't splash other ninjas," "The true ninja doesn't make a splash at all." I said.”
― John Green
“Oh the places you'll go! There is fun to be done! There are points to be scored. There are games to be won. And the magical things you can do with that ball will make you the winning-est winner of all.”
― Dr. Seuss

“Don't you wish you could take a single childhood memory and blow it up into a bubble and live inside it forever?”
― Sarah Addison Allen

“Sometimes you wake up. Sometimes the fall kills you. And sometimes, when you fall, you fly.”
― Neil Gaiman

“’Take care, my little ones, for the world is big and you are small. never forget … even the grandest of trees once had to grow up from the smallest of weeds.”
-Eliza Wheeler

“Don't you wish you could take a single childhood memory and blow it up into a bubble and live inside it forever?”
― Sarah Addison Allen

“Sometimes you wake up. Sometimes the fall kills you. And sometimes, when you fall, you fly.”
― Neil Gaiman

“’Take care, my little ones, for the world is big and you are small. never forget … even the grandest of trees once had to grow up from the smallest of weeds.”
-Eliza Wheeler

“When you fish for love, bait with your heart, not your brain.”
― Mark Twain

“I remember going swimming as a child and making a wish before I jumped into the pool. [...] I'd stretch my arms out, as if I were sending my thoughts right into space. I'd make my wish, then I'd dive into the water. I'd say to myself, "This is my dream. This is my wish," every time before I'd dive into the water.”
― Michael Jackson

“That is the earth, he thought. Not a globe thousands of kilometers around, but a forest with a shining lake, a house hidden at the crest of a hill, high in the trees, a grassy slope leading upwards from the water, fish leaping and birds strafing to take the bugs that lived at the border between water and sky. Earth was the constant noise of crickets, and winds, and birds”
― Orson Scott Card

"If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water." -Loren Eiseley

“You never fail until you stop trying.”
― Albert Einstein

At a little wooden cabin
Up in northern Minnesota
We ran together down to the dock
And you jumped right off it
And from out in the water
You called me to join you
And I said, "Baby, I cannot swim
If I jump, I'll surely drown you"
You said, "Life has no limit
If you're not afraid to get in it"
And oh, baby, I jumped to you
Since then there's nothing I can't do
-Mason Jennings

Miles and miles the wheels are still in spin
We’ve seen it all arise and fall again
You and I still the best of friends
It’s almost over now
And it’s almost over now
-Carolina Story
Anyone can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a dad, and that's why I call you dad, because you are so special to me. You taught me the game and you taught me how to play it right.
Wade Boggs
“People with dimple have a divine role in this universe: smile!”
― Toba Beta

“Close friends are truly life's treasures. Sometimes they know us better than we know ourselves. With gentle honesty, they are there to guide and support us, to share our laughter and our tears. Their presence reminds us that we are never really alone.”
― Vincent van Gogh

“The more you love,the more love you have to give.It's the only feeling we have which is infinite...”
― Christina Westover

“You know, Hobbes, some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help.”
― Bill Watterson
We had a bad day. The kids accidentally left their Big Wheel Bikes by the garbage can today and the garbage man took them. Piper also had one of her baby bunnies in on the bike and that is gone too. We're all super bummed out and there were lots of tears tonight.

“Money can't buy happiness, but it can make you awfully comfortable while you're being miserable.”
― Clare Boothe Luce
Post dollar dance photo at KayJay and Josh's wedding. As you can see by the grooms face the bride's side won.

“I sometimes wake in the early morning & listen to the soft breathing of my child & I think to myself, this is one thing I will never regret & I carry that quiet with me all day long.”
― Brian Andreas

“The desire to fly is an idea handed down to us by our ancestors who... looked enviously on the birds soaring freely through space... on the infinite highway of the air.”
― Wilbur Wright